Privacy Policy


The Service Provider is committed to respecting the User´s privacy. The Service Provider is the sole owner of the information collected on Studio KalaNiketan. The information is used entirely and only by us, except in cases where we use third party agents to perform certain functions for us, such as credit card processing, delivering packages and fulfilling orders. In those cases, we provide only the information necessary for the performance of those specific functions.

Service Provider does not transfer any information given by the User for third party for any other purpose than processing the order. We will not sell, share or rent this information to any other entity for any reason.

Service Provider reserves right to transfer the information provided by the User to the authorities in the case of infringement of laws and violation of good practice by the User. The User has the right to examine, change and delete information about him/herself from the register. Upon request we provide any site visitor who establishes his or her identity to our satisfaction with access to information that we have collected from them.